Little Learning Company Policies and Procedures

Little Learning Company Policies and Procedures


Enrollment Criteria

Little Learning Company accepts children ages 6 weeks through pre-kindergarten. We offer full-time or part-time schedules.

New families are invited to set up a tour and meet the teachers prior to enrollment. Upon enrollment the following items must be completed and submitted.

* Child Information Card- signed by parent and updated annually
* Health Appraisal- signed by licensed health care physician (30 days from enrollment)
* For infants a physical within the preceding 3 months
* For toddlers within the preceding 6 months
* For preschoolers within the preceding year
* Immunization Record- if immunizations are not being administered then a signed immunization waiver form will be needed with specific reason noted.
* Signed Written Documentation Form stating you read and understand the parent handbook and agree to the terms within.
* A signed Food Form stating that you are aware your child will be eating meals with us or that you will be providing food (including formula) for them.
* A signed Photo Authorization Form stating either yes or no to your child’s photo being posted on our website.
* A signed Licensing Form that informs you that the licensing notebook is available to you in the main lobby.
* A non-refundable $100 Enrollment Fee will be collected to hold a spot in any room, or to be put on our waiting list.


Withdraw Procedures

If you choose to withdraw your child from the center we require a two- week written notice. You are responsible for the payment for those two weeks.


Fee Policy

You will be given a price list upon enrollment with weekly prices. Tuition is to be collected on the Thursday preceding the week. Little Learning Company has the right to increase tuition prices based on the economic demands. You will be given sufficient notice of any tuition increase.

Additional Fees
Declined Credit Card Fee: $30.00
Returned Check Fee: $30.00
Late Payment Fee: $30.00

Late Pick-Up Policy

Your child must be picked up by 6:00. You will be charged $1.00 for every minute after 6:00; this is to be paid directly to employee at the time of pick up.

Sick Child Policy

For the protection of everyone at Little Learning Company, any child, staff member, or volunteer displaying any of the following symptoms will not be permitted to attend that day:

* Temperature of 100 degrees or higher
* Intestinal distress (vomiting or diarrhea)
* Undiagnosed rash
* Eye or ear discharge, conjunctivitis, pink eye
* Any green mucous discharge from the nose
* Any type of communicable disease
* Persistent coughing
* Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles
* Head lice
* lethargic/ unable to participate in classroom activities

If a child has any of these symptoms while at Little Learning Company, he or she will be taken to an area away from the rest of the children and be supervised individually. Their parents will be notified, and they will be expected to be picked up within one hour. Any child experiencing any of these symptoms may return when they are 24 hours symptom free. If any child comes into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with a contagious disease or illness, please notify us.

If a child has a contagious and/or undiagnosed condition, a doctor’s note is required stating the date the child can return to Little Learning Company.

If your child comes into contact with a communicable disease at the center, you will be notified.

Discipline Policy

We use positive forms of discipline at Little Learning Company. We provide each child with developmentally appropriate choices and allow them to make a choice, making each child the “boss” of their own behavior. Our goal is the help children develop self-control while enhancing their self-esteem. We believe in re-direction to provide guidance and give constructive choices. Occasionally, it will be necessary to remove a child from a situation where they could harm themselves or others. We will provide them with a quiet space away from other children to calm down and regain self-control. The will be encouraged to express themselves to explain their thoughts and feelings with a safe and trusted adult. Together with their teacher they will come up with a plan for when they are feeling “out-of-control,” in the future. Any serious or reoccurring issues will be documented and shared with the parents at pick-up. The staff at Little Learning Company refrains from using any type of corporal punishment.

Schedule of Operations

Little Learning Company is open year-round.

The center will be closed on the following days:

* New Year’s Day
* The last Friday in February (Professional Development for staff)
* Memorial Day
* July 4th and surrounding days (given in advance)
* Labor Day and Prior Friday (Professional Development for staff)
* Thanksgiving Day and Friday after
* Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, additional days surrounding (given in advance)

Full-time and part-time families pay all holidays.

Due to staffing requirements we are unable to give tuition credit if a child does not attend during their scheduled days. (I.e. illness, vacation, appointments, etc. unless vacation time is scheduled two weeks in advance)

For any circumstances beyond our control the tuition remains the same (i.e. power outages, water main break, loss of heat, etc.) If we need to close unexpectedly, we will call parents as soon as possible.

Vacation Policy

You receive double the amount of days you are enrolled per week in vacation time yearly. For example, a full time child will receive 10 days vacation. We require a two-week written notice to use vacation time. Vacations cannot be taken on "paid holidays". Any day taken past, you are responsible for the payment of those days.

Food Policy

We provide breakfast, lunch and snack daily. Breakfast is served at 8:30, Lunch is served at 11:30 and snack is served at 2:30. A menu will be posted monthly in the main lobby. If your child has any dietary restrictions, you can substitute your own food that day. We provide children with 1% milk; any alternatives will need to be brought in for your child. We are a nut-free facility.

Medication Policy

Any medication, prescription or over the counter, can be given to your child with a signed Medical Form. When giving medications these provisions apply:
The medication must be in the original packaging
Any prescription medication must have the child’s name and doctor’s number
We will give medication according to the manufacturer or doctor’s directions on the label.
The following information will be documented when giving the child medication:
*Child receiving the medication
*Amount of medication administered
*Date and time administered
*Person who administered the medication


Diaper Policy

Parents/Guardians are responsible for providing diapers and wipes for their child. Please plan for 5-6 diapers per day. You can bring in a large supply and we can store them for you in your child’s classroom. We will let you know when they are running low. If your child needs diaper cream, please fill out a basic care item form. Also, it is important to keep a change of clothes in your child’s cubby in case of accidents. Any clothes soiled will be sent home to be cleaned; no clothing items will be washed at the center.

Potty Training Policy

We will actively work with your child on potty training. When your child is ready to start using the potty, inform your child’s teacher so they are able to help here at school. We will gladly help follow the same procedures you are using at home to make the transition as easy as possible.

Nap/Quiet Time

Every child is provided with a quiet rest time. Please bring in a crib sheet to place on your child’s cot, a small blanket and any comfort items they may need. We ask that you take the sheet and blanket home at the end of each week to be cleaned. For children who do not nap they will have a rest period on a cot and then be given quiet activities to use while others are napping. No child will be forced to nap.

Outdoor Playtime Policy

The children will go outside to play daily. As long as there is no inclement weather we will go outside to play for at least 20 minutes each day. Please remember to bring clothing appropriate for the weather including: snow pants, hats, boots and gloves in the wintertime. In fall and spring, please bring a light jacket, as weather tends to change throughout the day. If you would like your child to use sunscreen please fill out the basic care item form.

Emergency/Accident/Injury Procedures

Little Learning Company has a state mandated plan for how to handle fire, tornado, lockdown, or man-made disasters that every staff member is trained on. Emergency plans and evacuation paths are posted throughout the center.

In the event that your child becomes injured or experiences an accident or incident, 911 will be called or appropriate measures will be taken first and then you will be notified via telephone numbers provided on the child information card. Our staff will take appropriate precautions and actions until emergency services arrive.

In the event that the building needs to be evacuated, the children will be evacuated to a safe location. After emergency services have been contacted, parents will be contacted as well.

In the care of non-serious accident or injury, you will be notified via phone call or incident report to be completed and signed by the staff member, parent and director.

Child Custody Situation Policy

Separated Parents– if the parents are separated, but not legally divorced, Little Learning Company has no right to deny access to a child by either parent- unless legal documents have been submitted.

Divorced Parents– In case of divorce, either parent may pick-up a child unless a court order indicates limited or no visitation. If parents are in the process of separation or divorce while the child is in care, every attempt should be made to keep the childcare staff updated on issues affecting the child’s custody or emotional well being.

Guardianship– if a legal guardian rather than a parent enrolls a child, a copy of all appropriate legal papers must be on file at the center. This is especially critical if biological parents have custodial or visitation rights.